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A Year in Review: Results of Industry Investment in Research and Extension

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Do you ever wonder how your Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off research dollars are used? The Beef Cattle Research Council’s 2021-2022 Year in Review highlights how the BCRC and its partners are tackling industry priorities while generating the most value from every research dollar. 

This new report is a concise, graphical summary of the latest BCRC Results Report, which is submitted annually to the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off Agency. It spotlights the BCRC’s key research and extension projects and outcomes from the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.  

BCRC Executive Director Andrea Brocklebank

“While the BCRC is perpetually looking forward, I think it also is beneficial to take a moment to look back, reflect and report on the significant strides that have been made in beef and forage research through producer investments in the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off,” said BCRC Executive Director Andrea Brocklebank. ”This report is both a summary and a celebration of our industry’s commitment to effective research, technology transfer and innovation in 2021-2022.”

proof of concept project

The 2021-2022 Year in Review reports funding, project spotlights and preliminary findings for: 

  • 18 research and extension projects from the current Beef Cattle Industry Science Cluster, 
  • eight priority research projects, 
  • six proof of concept projects and  
  • four knowledge and technology transfer projects.  
BCRC vision and mission statements

The report outlines new long-term research capacity through three university research chair positions, four surveillance network projects and updates from the Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) program that the BCRC continues to fund and oversee. It also unveils new vision and mission statements developed by the BCRC’s 15-member Council of beef producers from across Canada. 

Matt Bowman, Beef Cattle Research Council Chair

As an Ontario beef cattle producer and Chair of the BCRC, Matt Bowman has a front-row seat to observe how applied research and extension is improving productivity and profitability for Canada’s beef producers. “I am encouraged by the preliminary outcomes of this important work,” he said. “By leveraging producer-paid Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off dollars and listening to the industry’s needs, the BCRC continually develops practical resources to help farmers and ranchers make informed decisions that improve profitability, reduce risks and enhance consumer confidence in Canadian beef production.” 

The 2021-2022 Year in Review provides a broad funding overview, outlining funding by source and by program area. In the past fiscal year, the BCRC received on average $0.67 of every $2.50 of the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off collected by provincial beef cattle associations. The funding was leveraged under various programs to maximize producer returns on Check-Off investments.

BCRC project funding by source, total project funding for 2021-22: $13.3 Million

All of the BCRC’s activities are guided by core principles defined by the beef industry in the renewed Five-Year Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy. The BCRC works closely with other industry and government funding agencies to increase coordination, reduce duplication and ensure priority research outcomes are addressed for the benefit of Canadian beef cattle producers.  

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