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Year in Review Report Highlights Beef Research and Extension Results for 2022-2023
Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.
A new report showcases how producer investments in the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off are tackling beef industry priorities while generating maximum value from every research dollar. The Beef Cattle Research Council’s 2022-2023 Year in Review summarizes key activities and outcomes from the past fiscal year.
“This has been a building year for the Beef Cattle Research Council,” said BCRC Executive Director Andrea Brocklebank. “We’ve built a framework for the next five years of research and technology transfer and have used the previous years’ beef research investments to build additional resources, networks and awareness. This year we are celebrating 25 years of advancement through science and more to come!”
The 2022-2023 Year in Review reports funding, project spotlights and research findings for:
15 research and technology transfer projects from Beef Science Cluster III,
13 priority research projects,
five proof of concept projects and
more than 200 knowledge and technology transfer activities and projects funded outside of the Cluster.
The report also features university research chair positions, mentorships, surveillance networks and other collaborative activities in which the BCRC is involved. It includes an update from the Verified Beef Production Plus program that the BCRC continues to fund and oversee.
“Because change happens gradually, we as producers can sometimes forget the role that research has played in the significant advancements in our industry,” said BCRC Chair Craig Lehr. “However, there is no facet of Canadian beef production that hasn’t been changed through research and technology transfer. As producers browse the projects in this report, I’m certain they will be as gratified as I am by the headway that has been made over the past year.”
The 2022-2023 Year in Review provides a broad funding overview by program area and source. In the past fiscal year, the BCRC received on average $0.67 (unaudited) of every $2.50 of the national check-off collected by provincial beef cattle associations. Typically, for every $1 of producer investment, the BCRC looks to leverage $2-3 in other direct funding in addition to in-kind and other indirect funding.
This annual stakeholder report offers a visual summary of the BCRC’s 2022-2023 Results Report submitted to the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off Agency for the fiscal year, July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
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