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The BCRC Celebrates 25 Years of Beef Industry Research
Since 1998, the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) has operated as a division of the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA), and 2023 marks 25 years as Canada’s national industry-led funding agency for beef, cattle and forage research.
Directed by a committee of beef producers from across the country, the BCRC has played an important role in identifying the industry’s research and technology transfer priorities influencing public sector investment in beef, cattle and forage research.
“As a beef producer and past chair of the Beef Cattle Research Council, I have had a front-row seat to observe how applied research and extension is improving productivity and profitability for Canada’s beef producers,” said Matt Bowman, BCRC past chair. “By leveraging producer-paid Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off dollars and listening to the industry’s needs, the BCRC has continued to develop practical resources to help farmers and ranchers make informed decisions that improve profitability, reduce risks and enhance consumer confidence in Canadian beef production.”
The 25 years of industry investment into Canadian beef industry research and extension has resulted in significant strides in mitigating production issues and advancing management practices including pain control, extended grazing, feeding/finishing and the reduction of the contamination of E. coli O157:H7.
“Change and growth takes time. As producers we put our heads down and get to work, often forgetting to look back and reflect at how our operation has changed over time,” said Craig Lehr, BCRC chair. “In the last 25 years the BCRC has grown into an indispensable organization for Canadian beef producers. From advancements in the feed we grow to the way we feed it, genetics to animal health, pasture to the feed yard, there is no aspect of Canadian beef production that hasn’t been changed through research and extension. Leadership initiatives, such as the Beef Researcher Mentorship Program, have also helped connect researchers with industry and producers.”
Throughout the coming year, articles, videos and other media will be released to celebrate 25 years of check-off dollars advancing research in the beef sector. Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the 25th anniversary celebrations!
For further information, contact:
Janice Bruynooghe
Interim Extension and Communications Director
Beef Cattle Research Council
C: 306-229-5459 |
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