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5 Articles for Cow-Calf Producers Heading into Fall

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.

With Fall around the corner, it’s a good time to (re)consider a few production practices. These 5 articles are full of ideas, scientific evidence, producer testimonials and interactive calculators. By taking a closer look at their options and potential, you may discover more ways to benefit your herd and bottom line.

Feed cows, not worms

Managing internal parasites

Internal parasites can be much more detrimental to your bottom line than you may realize. Effective parasite control can have a greater economic impact on cow calf operations than many other management procedures. To learn more about the options for internal parasite control and how to prevent resistance to dewormers:

  • Visit this link and
  • Register for our upcoming webinar on managing internal parasites.

Reduce sickness and sell more pounds


By spreading out the stressors that normally occur at weaning (change in diet, vaccination, transport, etc.), calves gain more weight per dollar. Does that mean
net profits for cow-calf producers? See for yourself
by using our preconditioning calculator.

Increase future weaning weights and prevent calving difficulties

Measure and maintain cows’ fat cover

Thin cows hurt your bottom line. They have fewer and lighter calves than cows in ideal condition. Looks can be deceiving, so the most accurate way to measure their fat cover is by putting your hands on them. Fall is an ideal time to body condition score and manage energy requirements accordingly so that cows end up in the best condition to handle the demands of winter and pregnancy. Learn more and crunch some numbers.

Keep yourself safe during procedures and speed up calf recovery time

vet box

Pain mitigation

Many producers have added pain control products to their vet boxes to help speed recovery time, increase calf performance and reduce the chance of getting injured themselves while performing painful procedures. Learning more about pain control is worth the time this fall, especially if any of calves your got missed during spring processing. Learn about the options, techniques, benefits and other producers’ experiences.

Sort and manage open cows to capture their full value


Pregnancy checking

Some producers wonder if the cost of preg checking outweighs the advantage of having more information to make culling decisions. To learn more about the economics related to pregnancy checking:

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