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Are those girls in good shape? Raise your beef IQ
The productivity, and by association profitability, of a beef cow largely depends on the amount of fat that she carries. Cows with a body condition score of 3.0 have higher pregnancy rates, heavier and healthier calves, and re-breed sooner than cows with lower body condition scores. They also typically have fewer calving difficulties and increased milk production compared to cows with high body condition scores.
Cows in ideal condition are not only more likely to get bred, they’ll rebreed up to 30 days sooner than thin cows, which means more calves on the ground in the first 21 day cycle. This can add up to 42 extra pounds of weaning weight to these earlier born calves.
Eyeballing body condition is often not accurate, so hands-on scoring is recommended. Feel for fat cover at the short ribs, spine, hooks and pins and either side of the tail head.
By scoring cows around the calving season, you’ll be able to identify animals with a BCS lower than 3.0 and work to get their condition back up before breeding. Scoring when it’s convenient throughout the year will help you identify which animals are maintaining, gaining or losing condition (despite their deceptive hair coat!) and manage them accordingly.
To calculate the difference between the value of weaned calf crops from cows maintained at different body condition scores, use the BCRC Body Condition Scoring Tool.
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