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Attn Researchers – SK Ministry of Ag launches Call for Proposals

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture invites collaborative, multi-disciplinary, cross-institutional teams to develop and submit integrated research proposals that will significantly advance the empirical quantification and the regional mapping of soil carbon sequestration under pasture and forage resources in Saskatchewan.

Under this competition, the ministry will award up to $2.5 million to a single successful applicant. Approved funding will be dispersed over a five-year term (i.e. up to $500,000 per year). Individual research proposals must include and address both of the two sub-themes listed below:

  • The development or adaptation of models characterizing carbon storage magnitude and variability under managed forage and pasture, and
  • Empirical quantitative research to substantiate and support the models (and sub-regional variations).

Applicants are to consult with Dr. Jeff Braidek, Agriculture Research Branch, on the development of their proposal (tel. 306-966-6016; or for further information.

Interested applicants must provide a preliminary LOI to the agriculture research branch no later than 5 pm, October 5th, 2021. For more information visit the program website

LOI forms are available from the Agriculture Research Branch, contact: Dr. Jeff Braidek., tel. 306-933-6016 or Navit Asres, tel. 306-787-2837

When seeking funding, researchers are encouraged to refer to the priorities and target research outcomes in the Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy.

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