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Results of 2009-13 Research Funded by the BCRC

In 2009, the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) and Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) joined forces with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to fund a group of projects aimed at meeting the Canadian beef industry’s research priorities. This Growing Forward initiative was called the Beef Cattle Industry Science Cluster.

With additional support from provincial funds in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario, a total of $10.5 million was directed to 32 select research projects across Canada. These research initiatives involved 51 lead researchers at seven federal sites and five universities in six provinces, in addition to several provincial government institutions and industry facilities. Those research projects were completed by March 31, 2013.

The BCRC is very pleased to report on the results of the Cluster.  The inaugural report outlines how dollars were invested and how the research that was funded is contributing to advancements in production efficiencies and improved product demand and quality for Canada’s beef industry.

The 6-page executive summary provides a good understanding of the impact and value of the initiative.  It also summarizes the outcomes of targeted research goals, which focused on animal health and welfare, feed grains and feed efficiency, forage and grassland productivity, beef quality, food safety, specified risk material utilization and disposal, and technology and knowledge transfer.  In many cases, the financial impacts of deliverables to the industry were calculated, although some impacts may not be fully apparent for several years.

Download the full report: /files/pdf/BCRC_results_report_jan2014.pdf

In addition to needed advancements in scientific and applied beef production knowledge and technology development, the Cluster supported industry efforts to greatly improve communication and technology transfer efforts. The next Cluster (under Growing Forward 2) has attracted investment from a broader range of industry and government funders, and will build on the success of the first.

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