Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.
Don't Miss These Upcoming Beef Events and Deadlines
Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.
Organizations across the country are continually hosting events to give you an inside look at important research and offer practical advice on how to implement new technologies, improve productivity, prevent a wreck or save costs. These events are also a good opportunity to discuss how our industry is facing opportunities and challenges, and meet leading experts and other progressive cattle producers. Registration for many events are little or no cost to producers.

Visit our Events Calendar often to
- view upcoming field days, seminars, conferences and other events in your area,
- find out about online webinars to listen in on a live presentation right from your computer or phone,
- be reminded of nomination, survey or application deadlines, and
- discover related career opportunities in the beef and forage sectors.
Take a look at what’s happening in the next few months here
Events on the calendar are colour-coded by geography:
- BC: blue
- AB: yellow
- SK: green
- MB: orange
- ON: purple
- Maritimes: red
- Online: white with blue text
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