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Footrot and Other Cattle Lameness: Video

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The word ‘footrot’ is often mistakenly used to refer to many types of lameness in cattle. Footrot is a bacterial infection between the two claws of the foot. It is typically caused by the Fusobacterium necrophorum bacterium, which invades damaged or injured feet. Because footrot is a bacterial infection to the fleshy part of the foot, this type of lameness can be treated with antibiotics.

There are several different types of lameness, many of which cannot be treated with antibiotics. Whenever possible, producers should closely inspect the feet to determine the type of lameness in order to choose the appropriate treatment. An improper diagnosis can lead to unnecessary administration of antimicrobials, prolonged discomfort to the animal and increasing loss of production. If a lame animal does not improve with antibiotics, it does not have footrot.

The latest video in the Beef Research School series features Dr. Chris Clark, a clinician, professor and researcher at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Clark’s research is focused on cattle lameness and the control and prevention of infectious disease. In the video, he describes the types of lameness most commonly found in feedlots, including footrot, toe abscesses, hairy heel wart, and joint problems caused by pneumonia. He explains causes, prevention and treatment options, and offers good advice to prevent lameness in breeding bulls.

See the video here.

See more episodes of the Beef Research School. More information on the Beef Research School project.

Learn more about lameness


Lameness in Cattle
The Merck Veterinary Manual

Watch for lameness
Beef Magazine

Lameness In Beef Cattle
The Beef Site

Footrot in Cattle: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

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