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Ontario Cow-Calf Production Survey

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ontario cow-calf production survey

Ontario cow-calf producers, do you wonder how your operation compares with others in your region or province on matters like conception rate and weaning weight?

The Ontario Cow-Calf Production Survey is being conducted by researchers at the University of Guelph, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Beef Farmers of Ontario, and the Beef Cattle Research Council. Questions in this survey have been adapted and will be comparable to answers from the Western Canadian Cow-Calf Survey conducted in 2014, allowing comparison from east to west.

The purpose of the overall project is to gain a better understanding of the management practices, economics, and disease rates on Ontario cow-calf farms and determine how well Ontario producers compete in a global economy. This survey will obtain basic information on production practices, management choices, disease rates, and rate of technology adaptation in the province.

The findings of the survey will be used in a number of ways, including to identify baseline management practices common in Ontario, and to guide extension and research efforts that are most likely to lead to improvements in the Ontario cow-calf sector. There is currently limited industry benchmark data in eastern Canada to guide these efforts.

Information on management and marketing strategies will be collected as they relate to the 2016 calf crop, starting with the 2015 breeding season and ending at weaning.

The survey is 76 questions in length and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. If at any time, you do not wish to answer a question you may leave it unanswered. If you don’t have an exact date or number for any of the questions asked, a best-estimate will suffice.

Every Ontario cow-calf producer is encouraged to complete the survey. The deadline to participate in this survey has been extended to May 15, 2017. The first 100 producers who complete the survey are eligible to receive a $10 Tim Horton’s gift card.


For more information or to request a hard-copy be mailed to you, please contact:
Gillian Greaves
MSc. Candidate
University of Guelph
Tel: 519-824-4120 ext. 58813

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