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Welcome to Pasture 101 – A New Collection of Grazing Management Resources

pasture 101

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.

The Beef Cattle Research Council and Alberta Beef Producers are pleased to announce the launch of Pasture 101, a project initiated by the Alberta Beef, Forage and Grazing Centre.   

The 101 of Pasture 101

pasture 101 - extending grazing systems page
Click to access the Extended Grazing Systems module.

Informed by producer and expert input, Pasture 101 is an extensive online collection of grazing management resources. The content is organized into modules, with information ranging from selecting forage species and establishing perennial pastures to extended grazing systems and managing pasture soils. Each module is outfitted with quizzes to increase knowledge retention and many of the modules feature toolkits with helpful worksheets, calculators and extra resources if you want to dig deeper. 

Forage & Beef Innovation for the Next Generation

The Alberta Beef, Forage and Grazing Centre (ABFGC) was a five-year agreement (2015-2020) between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry and Alberta Beef Producers (ABP). It arose from producer interest in bringing together research and extension delivery in beef and forage systems. It was supported with capacity from both governments and an operational budget provided by ABP.  

The ABFGC supported and worked on several initiatives over the term of the agreement including multiple researcher projects, the rancher/researcher pilot (later expanded by the applied research and forage associations), tools for evaluating feed test results and evaluating economic value of feeds based on nutrient content, Forage U-pick, field days and other learning opportunities, and of course, Pasture 101.  


Pasture 101 is hosted on on behalf of the ABFGC. These new tools and resources compliment and link to grazing management information already found within the Beef Cattle Research Council’s collection. 

Start Planning for the Grazing Season

As you plan for the grazing season ahead, take some time to explore Pasture 101. You’ll be glad you did!   

mixed cows grazing green grass


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