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Registration Now Open for 2020/2021 Webinar Series

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.

This year’s webinar series will cover a range of topics including record keeping, invasive weed species, and reproductive failure in the cow herd, all focused on practical, science-based information for Canadian beef producers.

You can register for as many (or all!) of the webinars you’re interested in at once. After you click the link above, be sure to scroll down to see and select for all six (6) dates.

See topics and descriptions below.

We recommend registering regardless of whether you can attend during the date/time listed. By registering, you’ll receive the link that allows you to watch the recording at any time, reminders to attend the live event, plus additional resources on the topic. It’s no problem if you miss a webinar you’re registered for – you will receive a link to the recording – however joining the live broadcast is recommended as it gives you the opportunity to interact with the presenters and ask your own questions.

BCRC webinars are available free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry, and through the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer project funded by the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off and Canada’s Beef Science Cluster.

Recordings of our past webinars can be found on our webinars page.

2020/2021 BCRC Webinars

Combating Invasive Weed Species
October 28, 2020, 7:00 PM MT
Speakers: John Duynisveld, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Mike Cowbrough, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Renny Grilz, Meewasin Valley Authority 
During the summer, cattle and feed are on the move, increasing the risk of bringing unwanted invasive species onto your farm. Learn more about invasive weed control for different regions across Canada.

Calm and Calculated: What Key Financial Tools Can Help You Achieve Success on Your Farm?
November 18, 2020, 7:00 PM MT
Speakers: Farm Credit Canada (speaker TBA) and Brett McCrae, Manitoba beef producer
Farm financials stressing you out? Join this webinar to learn more about the information needed to help make financial decisions, having a good relationship with your creditor, and what to do if you’re turned down for financing.

Reproductive Failure in the Beef Herd: Causes, Effects and When to Intervene
December 2, 2020, 7:00 PM MT
Speakers: Dr. Rob Swackhammer, Upper Grand Veterinary Service, Dr. Martin Kaatz, Lethbridge Animal Clinic, and Dr. Blake Balog, Bow Valley Veterinary Clinic
Reproductive failure can pose a significant threat for cow-calf operations, particularly when an issue affects a large portion of the cow herd such as early pregnancy loss. This panel of veterinarians will share case studies of reproductive wrecks on beef operations and how these operations overcame and solved the problem.

Meeting Your Production Goals: Records for Animal Health and Performance
January 13, 2021, 7:00 PM MT
Speakers: Kathy Larson, University of Saskatchewan and Tyler Fulton, Manitoba beef producer
Recent studies suggest that producers who keep records and use industry benchmarking have higher production with an average of up to 60 more lbs of calf weaned per cow exposed. This webinar will discuss the records for animal health and performance to support your production goals.

Breeding Goals: Practical Genetics for Beef Production
February 17, 2021, 7:00 PM MT
Speakers: Lance Leachman, Big Gully Farm and Sean McGrath, Roundrock Ranching
No two beef operations in Canada are exactly the same. Factors such as climate, terrain, forage production, management style and marketing schemes will dictate the type of cattle that will perform best in your system. This webinar will discuss breeding goals and how management changes or genetics can help achieve these goals.

Record Keeping for Forage and Grassland Management
March 24, 2021, 7:00 PM MT
Speakers: Ryan Boyd, South Glanton Farms and TBA.
Pasture and stored forages are critical resources in the cattle industry. An effective management plan requires realistic production goals, a clear understanding of forage production, effective grazing strategies and timely responses to forage availability and changing environmental conditions. Record keeping can support management decisions needed to effectively manage both pasture and stored forage.

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