bull valuation

  • 23 Février 2023Bull Valuation: What Is a Bull Worth to Your Operation?

    Looking to buy a bull? The BCRC Bull Valuation Calculator is a practical decision-making tool...

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  • 13 Décembre 2022The BCRC's Top 10 Posts of 2022

    There are hundreds of timely beef and forage articles, interactive production calculators, videos, webinars and other...

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  • 9 Février 2022Bull Power - How to Calculate the True Value of a Herd Sire *New Video*

    Bull selection is a key decision for cow-calf producers that will have...

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  • 8 Mars 2018Costs of Siring Calves: Artificial Insemination Compared to Natural Service

    Consider the costs and benefits of fixed-time AI and natural service, and...

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