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The Gatepost: Agency Update

The Gatepost is written and distributed by the Canadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion Agency. Below is a copy of the fourth issue. To receive future issues of The Gatepost, subscribe here. See past issues here.  

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.


Agency Update

The Canadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion Agency (the Agency) was established to provide funding for market development, promotion and research of beef and beef products in Canada.

In 2014/15 the total national check-off dollars collected was approximately $7,664,602. Of this total, each province allocates a portion to Canada Beef, BCRC and in some cases to provincial activities related to research and marketing that have national benefit.

The collection of national check-off started in 1999 and in the last 17 years, a lot has changed in the beef industry. When factoring in annual inflation only, the purchasing power of the national levy has been reduced from $1.00 to $0.73.

Recently, the National Beef Strategy has been developed as a path to a dynamic and profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry.  To accomplish this there are four defined pillars and strategic goals within the strategy over the next five years:

  1. Beef Demand: to enhance beef demand and increase carcass cutout values by 15%.
  2. Competitiveness: to reduce production cost disadvantages compared to the industry’s main competitors by 7%.
  3. Productivity: to increase production efficiency by 15% by focusing on genetic selection, research and development, technology development and adoption and enhanced information flow.
  4. Connectivity: address industry synergies, connections with the consumer, and the public, government and industry partners by addressing industry issues.

To achieve these goals it has been recognized that an increase in national check-off is needed from $1 per head marketed to $2.50 per head.

The increasing global demand for protein has presented the Canadian beef industry with an opportunity to position itself strategically and increase demand for its beef products.  Seizing this opportunity in a time of tight supply and reduced marketing is a challenge that the industry can overcome by working together.  The spirit of collaboration is the anchoring point of the National Beef Strategy, developed for industry by industry.

As a funder of the National Beef Strategy, the Agency will remain focused on meeting the goals of the strategy, and continue to drive value for industry check-off investment.


#YourBurgerMoment ties brand essence to enjoyment of Canadian beef

A new online contest from Canada Beef is aiming to show consumers how the industry “puts the best of Canada into our beef.”  The idea is that when consumers think of Canada, they think beef.

Why the burger?  Burgers seem to be a united front for beef on so many levels.  They are global, accessible, affordable and can be epicurean or “Plain Jane.”  By tying the burger promotion Canada Day festivities and an ultra-Canadian prize, consumers continue to link beef with Canada, and increase brand awareness and loyalty.

Currently the #yourburgermoment hashtag has over 240,000 timeline deliveries, and has spread into the influential foodie-blogger community.  This group has  proven numerous times to influence targeted groups of consumers, and are a go-to source for many home cooks.

There has been a great representation of participants from across the country, and producers are encouraged to take part in the conversation online.


Beef Research Priority Survey

As someone who receives The Gatepost, you’re almost guaranteed to be what we call a ‘Canadian beef industry stakeholder’, meaning you

  • own or manage beef cattle,
  • conduct research on beef, cattle or forages,
  • are a large animal veterinarian,
  • own or work for an abattoir/beef processor,
  • are a government employee in a beef-related role,
  • work or volunteer for an organization that actively supports the beef industry, or
  • have another valuable role that supports and relies on Canadian beef production.

You hold a stake in the beef industry, so the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) and the Beef Value Chain Roundtable (BVCRT) rely on your input on research issues.

Please consider answering our 15-20 minute questionnaire by May 31st.

Your feedback will inform the next five-year National Beef Research Strategy and impact the long term competitiveness of the Canadian beef industry.


Click here to register for the Agency Annual Forum.  The Forum is open to participants and observers.  Make sure you register early!

August 9, 2016, 8:00am
Grey Eagle Resort & Casino

(ahead of the Canadian Beef Industry Conference)


Click here to register for the Canadian Beef Industry Conference.  The conference provides a forum for industry engagement, and learning opportunities across the beef supply chain.

August 9-11, 2016
Grey Eagle Resort & Casino

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