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Today is Canada’s Agriculture Day
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Let’s celebrate the food we love and those who produce it!
As a Canadian beef producer, today is an excellent opportunity to share how you work hard to responsibly produce a quality product for your family and families all across Canada.
Beef producers are able to efficiently produce nutrient rich food that is enjoyed by so many Canadians through the use of science and technologies on farm. For example, in the 1950’s cattle needed to consume 10 pounds of feed in order to gain one pound. Today that ratio is only 6:1 with the use of safe technologies. That means more pounds of beef can be produced from fewer resources.
Many advancements in efficiency, beef quality, animal health and welfare, antimicrobial stewardship, and environmental sustainability are made possible with research, which is funded in part by a portion of the Canada’s Beef Cattle Check-off paid by cattle producers across the country.
Let’s sing the praises of our progressive and practical industry – a global leader in supplying healthy, high quality beef, cattle and genetics.
To help you celebrate Canada’s Agriculture Day, we have pulled together some useful science-based resources to draw from as you tell your Ag story. Be sure to use the hashtag #CdnAgDay when sharing your story on social media.
- VIDEO (3:42): What is the Environmental Impact of the Canadian Beef Industry?
- The Canadian beef industry’s water footprint is shrinking
- Beef: a nutritious part of a sustainable diet
- Hot air doesn’t just come from cattle
- Producing beef with lower greenhouse gas emissions and using fewer resources
- Worried About Antibiotic use and resistance in Cattle? (source: Alberta Beef Producers)
- Worried about hormones in cattle? (source: Alberta Beef Producers)
- Hormone Use in Beef Cattle: Facts, Fears and Fantasies
- Explaining growth promotants used in feedlot cattle

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