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What Beef Research Information Would YOU Like to Know?
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Research and innovation are both necessary for the Canadian beef industry to stay competitive, but continual completion of research studies and development of new tools by scientists in itself is not enough. In order for the industry to benefit, cow-calf producers, feedlots, veterinarians, packers and other stakeholders must be able to understand and apply new ideas and technologies to their operations and clearly see the benefits of doing so.
Industry has proven that it will quickly adopt new methods when effective technology transfer services are available, as evident by the use of implants, extending winter grazing, and feedlot nutrition technologies to name a few. But the availability of extension services has significantly declined in the past 20 years due to government budgetary cutbacks. That’s why the BCRC is committed to improving knowledge dissemination and technology transfer in the Canadian beef industry by supporting organizations that do great work on the extension front, and by filling in gaps.
In order for us to do that well, we need your feedback. By sharing your opinions and observations, you can help guide our extension efforts and be sure we help you do what’s best for your land and your animals, and ultimately improve your bottom line.
Please contact us directly or post your comments below blog articles.
What kind of information do you look for?
What were three production questions you tried to find answers to recently? (For example, ‘How can I economically increase forage yields?’, ‘How can I reduce winter feeding costs?’, ‘How early can I wean calves during a drought?’.)
Where do you look for information and how do you want it delivered?
How much time do you/can you devote to learning about the latest research and innovations? Do you prefer short videos on the internet, detailed articles in print, or having discussions with experts at events? Who do you trust to give you the best information – researchers themselves, veterinarians, other industry experts, or a producer who’s already tried it?
What helps you decide whether or not to try something new or different?
What was the last innovative thing you tried on your operation? Where did you learn about it? What made you interested enough to try it? What was the most useful source of information that helped you adapt it to your operation? Would you recommend it to others?
What are your thoughts on the continual value of research?
What kinds of challenges do you foresee in the future that research and innovation might help overcome? Do you think scientists have a good understanding of industry challenges and work toward applicable solutions? How does research and innovation fit into your plan for a sustainable, profitable Canadian beef operation?
The sharing or reprinting of BCRC Blog articles is welcome and encouraged. Please provide acknowledgement to the Beef Cattle Research Council and list the website address,
We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions. Contact us directly at or generate public discussion by posting your thoughts below. Stay connected by following us on Twitter @BeefResearch, liking us on Facebook, and subscribing to our YouTube Channel.