Improving Technology Transfer and Knowledge Dissemination in the Canadian Beef Industry

Titre de Projet

Improving Technology Transfer and Knowledge Dissemination in the Canadian Beef Industry

Des Cherchers

Tracy Herbert

Andrea Brocklebank and Reynold Bergen, Ph.D. (Beef Cattle Research Council)

Le Statut Code de Project
Terminé en March, 2016 TEC.01.13


Obtaining the full benefit from research and innovation investments requires adoption and implementation of relevant knowledge by the target user. The first Canadian Beef Cattle Industry Science Cluster facilitated the development of a 10 year Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer Plan, the hiring of a Beef Extension Coordinator, and the development of an industry Technology Transfer website (


  • To improve knowledge dissemination by supporting and delivering a range of technology transfer mechanisms with a clear focus on accelerating the uptake of research results and outcomes by industry.

What they will do

The proposed activity will enable continued implementation of the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer Plan. Using a full-range of technology transfer tools, the BCRC will lead national coordination of extension efforts, support technology transfer efforts initiated by industry partners, and collaborate with external consultants on extension initiatives. The intention is to enhance or accelerate existing industry extension efforts, and fill in gaps where needed. Extension efforts will include regular communication with industry through the creation and distribution of fact sheets that summarize research findings and articles that discuss research outcomes or priorities. New resources, such as a video series, webinars and cost of production decision tools for producers will be created and made available through Over time, user feedback will inform enhancements to the website’s functionality (e.g. the addition of user forums). Engagement of researchers with industry will also be a focus, including involvement of young researchers in a mentorship program, and events that bring researchers and industry stakeholders together to share understandings of research outcomes and industry needs. Feedback from industry, analysis of website analytics and results of an economic analysis initiative underway by Canfax Research Services will inform continual improvements to BCRC’s approach to technology transfer.


Providing timely information and effective tools to industry stakeholders, including producers, researchers and governments, will help improve beef production efficiencies and beef demand, public awareness and consumer confidence. This is expected to positively impact the profitability and sustainability of the Canadian beef industry.