Appel de Propositions  

Le Conseil de recherches sur les bovins de boucherie (CRBB) est l’organisme national de financement dirigé par l’industrie pour la recherche et la vulgarisation sur le boeuf, les bovins et les fourrages. Ses objectifs et résultats prioritaires en matière de recherche et de vulgarisation sont établis dans le cadre d’un processus exhaustif de mobilisation des intervenants, tel qu’il est décrit dans la Stratégie de recherche et de transfert technologique sur le bœuf canadien Stratégie de recherche sur le boeuf et de transfert de technologie. 

Veuillez vous inscrire à la liste de diffusion du BCRC pour être informé des dates d’ouverture des appels à propositions suivants.

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.

Proof of Concept Proposals

The call for proposals is now closed with the deadline for submissions September 5, 2023, at 11:59 PM MT.

Confirmation of receipt will be sent for every letter of intent submitted. If confirmation is not received within one business day of your submission, the BCRC has not received the documents.

Regional Activities Funding Program Proposals

The call for proposals is now closed. Applicants will be notified of the funding decision within four weeks of applying. Funding will be awarded for all proposals that meet the evaluation criteria until all funds have been committed, no later than August 2024. Please subscribe to the BCRC mailing list to be notified of the next opening. 

Research Project Proposals

The call for proposals is now closed.  Applicants will be notified of the funding decision in March 2023. Please subscribe to the BCRC mailing list to be notified of the next opening planned for January 2024.

The BCRC will consider special funding requests for high priority projects on a case-by-case basis in between formal funding calls. Applicants must be able to demonstrate and clearly justify the need for a decision outside of our normal funding cycle for an application to be considered. Special funding requests including a clear justification may be sent to

Cluster Project Proposals

The call for proposals is now closed. Applicants were notified of the funding decision in June 2022. Please subscribe to the BCRC mailing list to be notified of the next opening.

Research Chair Proposals

The call for proposals is now closed. Applicants were notified of the funding decision in February 2021. Please subscribe to the BCRC mailing list to be notified of the next opening.

General Submission Information

  • Confirmation of receipt will be sent for every full proposal submitted. If confirmation is not received within one business day of your submission, the BCRC has not received the documents.
  • Any individual or organization (academic institution, private industry, government or non-government organization) from Canada or elsewhere with ability and/or a track record of success in carrying out projects in areas relevant to the Canadian beef industry is eligible to apply when a call for projects is open.
  • Ensure you have read and followed the Instructions and Guidelines document prior to submitting a letter of intent or project proposal. 
  • Submissions must be received in electronic format before the deadline. Email:

Beef Cattle Research Council
#180, 6815 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7H7
Attn: Linda Wakeling