Letters of Support

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Policy regarding Letter of Support Requests for Research Proposals

The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is frequently asked to provide letters of support for research initiatives.

Letters of support can help encourage other funders to support research that is aligned with the Canadian Beef Research and Technology Transfer Strategy.

The BCRC will consider requests to provide letters of support for research initiatives if the following conditions are met:

  1. The funding agency has specifically asked the researcher to provide a letter of support for the proposal
  2. The BCRC is not listed as a collaborator or co-investigator on the proposal
  3. The request for a letter of support is submitted to the BCRC at least two weeks before it is required
  4. The requested letter of support is for a full proposal. The BCRC is willing to provide feedback to researchers on letters of intent that are being developed, but will not provide letters of support at this stage
  5. The proposal clearly and explicitly identifies the specific National Beef Research Strategy outcome that will be addressed by the research
  6. The researcher provides the final version of the full proposal to the BCRC, allows the BCRC to confidentially discuss the merits of the proposal with other industry stakeholders to identify recommendations that could strengthen the proposal, and agrees to seriously consider incorporating this industry feedback into the proposal.

Provided these conditions are met, requests for letters of support may be submitted to info@beefresearch.ca