Bull Valuation Calculator

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Identifying a fair price during sire selection contributes to higher efficiency in operation economics. The BCRC Bull Valuation Calculator helps to estimate break-even bull prices based on different traits and the key parameters of your farm.

Bull Valuation Calculator

Enter information in the yellow highlighted cells below.

It is suggested to keep the blue highlighted cells at the set defaults unless data is known.

Further calculator details are below.

Note: This calculator is meant as a general guide and may not reflect the true bull value for your individual farm. Further information can be found in this BCRC post.

Calf Information


Bull Information

: 1

General Information


Bull Value (Breakeven Price)


Value from Calves


Bull Annual Maintenance Cost


Bull Salvage Value


Cost of Natural Breeding


Calculator Details

Expected weight and price of calves: This calculator assumes calves are sold at weaning, and inputs required are the expected weight and price of calves at weaning.

Expected weaning rate: Number of weaned calves divided by cows exposed.

Annual maintenance cost: This number can be calculated using the adjacent box.

Cow to bull ratio: This can vary depending on bull efficiency, pasture size and herd size.

Years of service: Please enter a whole number between 1 and 12.

Bull salvage value: The amount the bull can sell for at the end of his breeding life.

Death loss: This reflects the probability the bull sustains an injury or disease that takes him out of service before his predicted years of service.

% calf value attributed to the bull: This parameter describes the proportion of the calf’s value that is directly provided from the bull.

Interest rate: Represents cost of borrowing money, and it is used to adjust future values into their present value.

Bull value (Breakeven price): The net present value of the bull; where there would be no profit or loss.

Cost of natural breeding: takes the lifetime costs of purchase (breakeven) price less salvage value and annual maintenance for the years of service divided by the number of calves sired over the lifetime of the bull.