Calm and Calculated: What Key Financial Tools Can Help You Achieve Success on Your Farm?

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.

Are your farm financials stressing you out? This webinar discusses the information needed to help make financial decisions, having a good relationship with your creditor, and what to do if you’re turned down for financing.

This webinar was held November 18, 2020 from 7-8:00pm MST.

The presenters were:

  • Brett McRae, Manitoba beef producer
  • Melissa Reinhardt, Farm Credit Canada
  • Brenna Grant, Canfax

Video Guide:

00:00 – 02:00 : Welcome comments and agenda

02:01 – 20:21 : Gross margin analysis, Brett McRae

21:00 – 41:13 : Working with your lender, Melissa Reinhardt

41:17 – 43:08 : Canadian Cow-calf Cost of Production Network, Brenna Grant

43:09 – 55:32 : Question and Answer period