Combating Invasive Weed Species

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During the summer, cattle and feed are on the move, increasing the risk of bringing unwanted invasive species onto your farm. Learn more about invasive weed control for different regions across Canada.

This webinar was held October 28, 2020 from 7-8:00pm MST.

Find more information about this topic and other BCRC webinars here.

The presenters were:

John Duynisveld, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Mike Cowbrough, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Renny Grilz, Meewasin Valley Authority

Video Guide:

00:00 – 02:37 : Welcome comments and agenda

02:37 – 23:04 : Pasture management as a tool for managing invasive weeds, John Duynisveld

23:05 – 43:15 : Empowering you to be your own on-farm weed scientist, Mike Cowbrough

43:50 – 1:08:30 : Combating Invasive Weed Species: Using Multiple Tools in the Battle Against Invasive Species, Renny Grilz

1:09:00 – 1:17:32 : Question and Answer period