Refining Corn Grazing Recommendations

Remarque : cette page web n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais.

This webinar offers tips on grazing corn plus an overview of considerations when using extended grazing systems. Corn Heat Units, agronomics of growing corn, grazing management, research results and more. Click here for the announcement. 


  • Bart Lardner, Ph.D. – Senior Research Scientist, Western Beef Development Centre

Video Guide:

00:00 – 00:26 : Welcome comments and agenda
00:26 – 06:35 : Who is the BCRC?
06:36 – 48:36 : Refining corn grazing recommendations 
48:36 – 1:15:26 : Question and answer session
1:15:26 – 1:16:56 : How to stay connected with the BCRC and closing comments

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