Cow-Calf Production Indicators Calculator

Beef cattle producers can use the BCRC Cow-Calf Production Indicators Calculator to enter their own production numbers (only 15 numbers are needed) and compare them with an industry target and regional benchmark from the most recent regional cow-calf surveys.

Cow-Calf Production Indicators Calculator

NOTE: If an indicator is below the target or regional benchmark it does not necessarily mean that changing it will be beneficial. The cost:benefit of investing in changing each production indicator must be made on individual operations as they will vary and reflect one’s production system and enviornment that you operate in.

Step 1: Enter information in yellow highlighted cells

Step 2: Compare to the Industry Targets **

Step 3: Compare to the Regional Benchmark (for cows)***

Region Choose From drop-down list


Western Canada

Cow:Bull Ratio # Females Exposed N/A 20
# Bulls used
Conception Rate (% Pregnant) # Females Bred 81% 94% 92%
# Females Exposed 360
Length of Calving Period (Last Calving Date – First Calving Date)
63 83
Calving Distribution
Calves Born 1-21 Days # Calves Born Day 1-21 61% 60% 60%
Calves Born 22-42 Days # Calves Born Day 22-42 22% 25% 25%
Calves Born 43-63 Days # Calves Born Day 42 – 63 5% 10% 10%
Calves Born 64+ Days # Calves Born Day 64+ 2% 5% 4%
# Total Calves Born
Abortion Rate (%) # Females Bred – # of Females Calved 1 12% 3% 1%
# Females Bred 330
Calving (%) # Females Calved 80% 91% 90%
# Females Exposed 375
Sets of twins (#) # Sets of Twins
Calf Death Loss within the first 24 hrs(%) # Calves Born Dead or Died within first 24 hrs 3% N/A 2.2%
# Females Calved + # Sets of Twins 330
Calf Death Loss after 24 hrs to weaning (%) # Calves Died between Day-1 and Weaning 0.3% N/A 2.4%
# Live Calves Born 289
Weaning Rate (%) # Calves Weaned 79% 85% 86%
# Females Exposed 375
Average Birth Weight (all calves) (lbs) N/A N/A
Average weaning weight (all calves) lbs N/A 573
Lbs weaned/ Females Exposed Total Lbs Weaned 146440 407 460 N/A
# Females Exposed 360
Age at Weaning (days) Average age at weaning, days* N/A 211
Adjusted 205-day Weaning Weight (lbs) 493 N/A 557
Average Daily Gain Pre-weaning (lbs) Average weaning weight 523 1.75 N/A N/A
Average weaning age 299
Average WW as % of Cow Weight Total Lbs Weaned 550 39% 45% 45%
(adjusting bred heifer weight) Average Mature Cow Weight, lbs

GOLD Indicators

Your Numbers


Regional Benchmark

Growth (weaning weight as % of cow weight) 50 N/A 573
Open Cows (%) 8% 6.0% 7.6%
Length of Calving Period 72 63 83
Death Loss of Calves (%) 3% N/A 5%

*Average calving date is the date by which half of the calves were born.

** Conception Rate – Source: BCRC Topic Page, Breeding Cow Management,
Length of Calving Period – Source: BCRC Post, Tightening the Calving Season: How to Increase Profitability Through Calving Distribution,
Calving Distribution – Source: BCRC Post, Tightening the Calving Season: How to Increase Profitability Through Calving Distribution,
Abortion Rate – Source: BCRC Topic Page, Breeding Cow Management,
Calving %Estimated based on industry target conception rate and abortion rate.

*** Regional benchmarks, except weaning rate, are sourced from the 2023 Canadian Cow-calf Survey. Weaning rate benchmarks are estimated based on calving rate and calf deathloss.