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Register Now for the 2023-2024 BCRC Webinar Series

2023-2024 webinar series for beef producers and veterinary teams

This year’s Beef Cattle Research Council webinar series will cover a range of topics all focused on practical, science-based information for Canadian beef producers and veterinary teams.Topics include managing the long-term implications of drought, heifer development and calf management from calving to early calfhood.   

The first webinar will be held November 15, 2023. See in-depth descriptions below.

Registration for the entire BCRC webinar series is done via Zoom. We recommend registering regardless of whether you can attend during the live events.  

By registering, you’ll receive a link that allows you to watch recordings at any time, reminders to attend live presentations, plus additional resources on the topics.  

BCRC webinars are available free of charge thanks to guest speakers who volunteer their time and expertise to support advancements in the Canadian beef industry and through the Knowledge Dissemination and Technology Transfer project funded by the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off  and Canada’s Beef Science Cluster.  

It’s no problem if you miss a webinar you’re registered for; you will receive a link to the recording. However, joining the live broadcast is recommended, as it gives you the opportunity to interact with presenters and ask your own questions.  

Webinars will be available for continuing education (CE) credits for veterinarians and registered veterinary technologists and technicians across Canada. For more information on CE accreditation, please contact Dana Parker.   

Recordings of past presentations can be found on the BCRC’s webinars page.  

2023/2024 BCRC Webinars

BCRC Beef Webinar: Drought is more than a summer challenge

Drought: More Than a Summer Challenge – Keeping Today’s Drought from Becoming Tomorrow’s Problem 

November 15, 2023, 7:00 PM MT 

Speakers: John Campbell, DVM, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, and Jesse Williams, Whiskey Creek Ranch  

Drought has been a common occurrence on the prairies. With extreme drought conditions and feed shortages, producers are making critical decisions that can have a big impact on productivity and profitability that goes beyond the summer season. This webinar will share key insights on what to look out for to give your herd its best change to withstand severe or prolonged drought.  

BCRC Beef Webinar: Raising Heifers for Reproductive Success

Raising Heifers for Reproductive Success  

January 17, 2024, 7:00 PM MT 

Speakers: Stephen Hughes, Chinook Ranch, and Elizabeth Homerosky, DVM, Veterinary Agri-Health Services 

The management and development of heifers prior to breeding and before, during and after their first calving will set the tone for a female’s entire productive lifetime. This webinar will address key strategies to getting heifers started on the right hoof to ensure they remain productive as valuable mothers in the herd for years to come.

BCRC beef webinar: Early Calf Life Survival

Early Calf Life Survival – An Apple a Day Keeps the Vets Away 

February 21, 2024, 7:00 PM MT 

Speakers: Claire Windeyer, DVM, University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Rodger Richard, DVM, Shoal Lake Veterinary Clinic, and Heidi Bennett, W.A. Ranches  

The first 24 hours of a calf’s life are the most critical. Ensuring calves have a good start to life can make them more productive and profitable at weaning and beyond. This panel will discuss key methods for calf health management plus helpful on-farm interventions to make sure calves have a solid foundation at birth. The panelists will be available to answer your questions.  

Learn more about the privacy policies of the Beef Cattle Research CouncilYouTube and Zoom. 

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CaitlynnOctober 11, 2023

Just wondering what the actual date of the first webinar is. On this page it says November 15; however, when I click on the "register" link the date is November 17 in one place and November 15 in another.



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Beef Research3October 18, 2023

Hi Caitlynn, it is on November 15th.


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