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Stay up to date with the latest news, updates and information from the Beef Cattle Research Council.

  • October 19, 2023Key Takeaways from the Nutrition Webinar Series for the Winter-Feeding Season

    A summary of the 2022-23 nutrition management webinar series covering…

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  • October 17, 2023Taking Some of the Guesswork Out of Winter Feed Challenges 🎙️

    These BCRC tools can help you get the most value from your feed and the best…

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  • October 11, 2023Understanding the Five W’s of Cattle Injections: Who, What, When, Where & Why

    These beef cattle injection techniques are recommended practices to help…

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  • October 10, 2023Register Now for the 2023-2024 BCRC Webinar Series

    Free webinars for beef producers and veterinary teams on long-term drought implications, heifer…

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  • October 5, 2023Preg-Checking in a Drought Year with High Cull Cow Prices

    The costs and benefits of preg-checking are affected by market volatility, production cost,…

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  • September 28, 2023Evolution in Cattle Feeding, Management and Consumer Demand

    Beef producers who background and finish cattle have learned a lot over the past…

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  • September 19, 2023M. bovis, Repeat Offender 🎙️

    Although Mycoplasma bovis is trickier than most microbes, researchers are studying ways to disrupt it. Vaccinating…

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  • September 13, 2023Raising Replacement Heifers — What Does It Cost?

    Producers should consider the long-term economic implications of raising replacement heifers and…

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  • September 12, 2023Grazing Cattle on Cropland Can Be Mutually Beneficial

    Grazing cattle and crops together can be a win-win solution for both crop and cattle farmers…

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  • September 1, 2023ATTN Extension Agents: New Funding Program for Regional Activities

    A pilot initiative to support regional extension activities such as meetings, field…

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  • August 31, 2023Beef Researcher Mentorship Program Participants Announced for 2023-2024

    Creating connections that allow researchers to become better informed about…

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  • August 29, 2023The Results Are In on Proof of Concept Projects

    POC projects test the feasibility of certain research areas before investing in larger-scale research….

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  • August 24, 2023Drought is More Than a Summer Challenge

    If not managed properly, drought can bring feed shortages and long-term animal health impacts. Feed testing,…

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  • August 22, 2023Year in Review Report Highlights Beef Research and Extension Results for 2022-2023

    A new report showcases how producer investments in the Canadian…

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  • August 16, 2023Dr. Kim Ominski Receives 2023 Canadian Beef Industry Award for Outstanding Research and Innovation

    Dr. Ominski is a researcher, professor and acting…

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  • August 15, 2023Record Collectors Unite — There’s Power in Numbers 🎙️

    Ranching without records is like travelling without a map. When producer records are…

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  • August 9, 2023CowBytes Ration-Balancing Software Now Available Through the BCRC

    Producers can formulate feed rations and consider feed and byproducts at different…

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  • August 3, 2023Ergot in Feed: Is There a Safe Concentration for Beef Cattle?

    Recent studies suggest recommended concentrations of ergot and deoxynivalenol in cattle…

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  • July 27, 2023Remote Drug Delivery Devices — What You Need to Know ▶️

    Darting for treatment is a last option and should be infrequent, but if you utilize RDD,…

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  • July 25, 2023Keeping Today’s Drought from Becoming Tomorrow’s Problem

    Navigating drought requires long-term thinking. Here are seven things to watch for during…

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